Science Fiction
Englit 0626 @ Pitt-Greensburg
Fall 2019 Class meets face-to-face T H 4 -5:15 pm in 136 McKenna Hall

Course Description
In this course we investigate science fiction as “literature of ideas” that speculates about what strange new beings we might become, what mechanical forms we might invent for our bodies, what networks and systems might nourish or tap our life energies, and what machine shells might contain our souls.
Our course looks backward on “speculative fiction” from a twenty-first-century vantage point and highlights motifs and milestones that speak to our moment in especially provocative ways. We will be investigating a set of challenging readings that break with conventional approaches to plot and characterization, so we can see how science fiction can work as an inventive approach to literature. In taking this course I hope you will discover many parallels to science fiction films, TV series, and texts not on this syllabus. My goal is to provide you a selection of foundational and groundbreaking texts in this most time-sensitive of literary genres with a strong emphasis on the recent past, to give you an educated frame of reference for exploring and enjoying science fiction on your own.
Schedule of Readings and Assignments
Course enrollment and electives info:
- Englit 0626: course registration number: 30335
- Satisfies the LT general education requirement at Pitt-Greensburg
- Satisfies an Elective requirement for the English Literature major or minor
- Satisfies either an R (research) or P elective requirement in Pitt-Greensburg’s Digital Studies Certificate
Taught by: Elisa Beshero-Bondar (“Dr. B”), Associate Professor of English and Director, Center for the Digital Text @ Pitt-Greensburg
- E-mail: ebb8 at
Office Hours in FOB 204:
- Wed. 4 - 5:30 pm
- Thurs. 1:15 - 3 PM
- and by appointment
- Learn Contexts: Learn about science fiction in context with important historical, scientific and cultural issues
- Learn about Media: Consider science fiction’s range of genre and media production
- Improve Close Reading and Critical Thinking Skills: Gain skills in analyzing language, imagery, character, and narrative structure
- Conversation and Comprehension: Engage in class discussions and conduct your own conversation with the texts to enhance your comprehension of the course material
- Researching and Writing in Digital Modes: Gain experience with digital tools while investigating and writing about SF, and gain experience with writing some science fiction yourself.
Texts (in reading order)
- H. G. Wells, The War of the Worlds, Ed. Martin A. Danahay (Broadview, 2003) ISBN: 9781551113531
- Philip K. Dick, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? New York: Random House (DelRey), 1996. ISBN: 978-0345404473
- Alan Moore, Watchmen. New York: DC Comics, 2014. (Paperback ed.) ISBN: 9781401245252
- Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid’s Tale. Anchor, 1998. ISBN: 9780385490818
- Neal Stephenson, Snow Crash. Del Rey 2000. ISBN: 9780553380958
- Octavia E. Butler, Lilith’s Brood. New York: Grand Central Publishing, 2000. ISBN: 9780446676106
Your course grade will be based on Participation and Quizzes (10%), Digital Projects (50%), one Midterm Exam (20%), and one Final Exam (20%).
- Participation and Quizzes: (10%): This portion of your course grade will reflect the quality of your class participation and your performance on announced and unannounced quizzes. If you keep up with the readings listed on the schedule, and come to class each day prepared to discuss them, you will certainly do well with this component. Quizzes and other in-class exercises will account for half of this component, while your participation (your attendance and your vocal participation) will account for the other half.
- Note: Your attendance is vital to this course and your achievement in it. Missing more than three classes will likely result in a reduction of your Final Course Grade. You may miss three classes for any reason without penalty, but your Participation grade will be reduced for additional unexcused absences. You’ll also be missing lectures, discussions, and in-class activities that will almost certainly affect your performance on assignments and exams. Try not to miss two consecutive classes! You may want to keep in touch with one or two other students in the course so that if you do miss a class, you can find out what you’ve missed and catch up on the notes. Quizzes and in-class writing activities cannot be made up outside of class.
Digital Projects (5 to 10% each; total 50%): Throughout the course, you will be working on a series of digital projects that involve organizing, processing, and visualizing information and ideas from our course readings. We will be building digital resources to help us review patterns in the readings on a “digital workstation” model, learning to work with a range of digital media and analysis tools. Short writing assignments and exams will be connected with the digital projects we will build in this class. Workstations may involve teamwork as well as individual assignments and expectations.
- Midterm (20%) and Final Exam (20%): The exams may consist of essay questions, identifications of passages, and brief responses regarding significant events and literary terms we have discussed in class. The Midterm will be given in class. The Final Exam will be given during Finals Week. It will be comprehensive, with emphasis on the material in the second half of the course. Exam scores are converted to percentages and assigned letter grades based on the same scale posted above for Papers.
Grading Scale for Projects and Exams: A: 93-100%, A-: 90-92%, B+: 87-89%, B: 83-86%, B-: 80-82%, C+: 77-79%, C: 73-76%, C-: 70-72%, D+: 67-69%, D: 60-66%, F: 59% and below
Class Policies and Guidelines
Classes and Readings: This class is fast paced with challenging reading and regular in-class activities. To do well in this course it is vital that you attend class regularly and keep up with the readings! Read all the material assigned before class on the day it is scheduled so that you can discuss the material in class, raise questions about it, and intelligently respond to my questions and comments. Stay alert for any changes to the class schedule, which I will announce in class and online on Courseweb and e-mail.
Classroom Courtesy: Please take this classroom space and time seriously as a forum for expression, contemplation, and experimentation. Arriving late and leaving early disrupts the important collective mental activity of class. So does in-class texting and checking your cell phone. While class is in progress, talking disruptively, leaving the classroom, texting or using a cell phone or computer, reading a newspaper, or other distracting behavior will be actively discouraged, and may result in a deduction in your Participation grade. Please respect what we do in the classroom: attend class regularly, and come prepared to contribute your ideas.
When an assignment is due, I expect that you will carefully edit and proofread your documents, and that you will turn in your assignments on time at the beginning of class or by the posted deadline for online assignments. If you need an extension, ask me courteously at least a day ahead of time. Do not ask for an extension on or after the day the paper is due.
- Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism: Plagiarism falsely represents another source’s words or ideas as your own, and the penalty for plagiarism in this course is a final course grade and being reported to the Vice President of Academic Affairs. Representing the voice of another individual as your own voice constitutes plagiarism, however generous that person may be in “helping” you with an assignment. Cheating on exams or exercises will also receive a final course grade of F and be reported to the Vice President for Academic Affairs, as explained in the Pitt-Greensburg Campus Catalog.
- To avoid plagiarism, cite your sources whenever you quote, paraphrase, or summarize material, or use digital images from any outside source (including websites, articles, books, course readings, Courseweb postings, or someone else’s notes). Turning in an assignment made by multiple people under the name of a single individual is considered plagiarism. When instructed to collaborate on a project, project collaborators share collective authorship and should identify themselves directly as a team. When using the “copy” and “paste” features as you read and research, be sure that you are carefully marking that these passages are unprocessed from their source, so that you know to process it later. Forgetting to do so not only produces sloppy work but (whether you intended it or not) results in a false representation. As long as you make a good faith and clear effort to cite your sources, you will not be faulted for plagiarism, but your work will be penalized if citations are inaccurate, unclear, or lack important information.
- Online policies:
- Class website and Courseweb: Changes to the class schedule, assignments, slides, notes, and other resources for this course will be regularly posted on this site, and I will follow up with an announcement on Pitt’s Courseweb (which should reach you at your Pitt e-mail addresses).
- Class website (this syllabus):
- Courseweb:
- Class website and Courseweb: Changes to the class schedule, assignments, slides, notes, and other resources for this course will be regularly posted on this site, and I will follow up with an announcement on Pitt’s Courseweb (which should reach you at your Pitt e-mail addresses).
- E-mail Correspondence: I frequently send announcements to my classes through Courseweb, which also conveniently forwards them to your e-mail addresses. To make sure you’re receiving my announcements, find out whether your account is active and functioning, and get in the habit of checking your messages daily. If you are forwarding your messages to another account, make sure your forwarding works. All of my announcements will also be posted on the Courseweb announcement page.
- Send e-mail to me when you have questions or want to meet with me, but please identify yourself by name (first and last), and provide a Subject Line when you do so.
Please let us know: If you have a disability for which you are or may be requesting an accommodation, please contact both your instructor and the Director of Learning Resources Center, Dr. Lou Ann Sears, 240 Millstein Library Building (724) 836-7098, as early as possible in the term. Learning Resources Center will verify your disability and determine reasonable accommodations for this course.