Optimizing work with the TEI for a project

This is part of a series of assignments to introduce you to the XML-based language of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI). We are continuing to work with Anna Julia Cooper’s handwritten response to a survey of black college graduates in 1930. This time, we are exploring how a customization of the TEI, selecting and limiting the TEI elements we need for a project, can change the way we work with the TEI. We are also going to build on the experimental code we started with, but try to shape the markup to help address specific research questions or interests.

Resources to study and work with

It may help you to find a way to divide your computer screen or to look at two screens. You need to be working with three resources:

Coding with help from a TEI ODD customization

Preparing the workspace:

Build on the TEI XML with help from the Class ODD

Study the markup already in the document, review the comments, and begin adding code by adding your name as an editor adding your own name in an <editor> element in the teiHeader.

Now try to add your markup to fit the structure and rules supplied here. Try fitting in the portions of the document you have transcribed in earlier assignments in the structure provided here. Or find a place to add new markup to represent a different section of the document that is not already represented. With your new markup applied here, see if you can address one of the research questions discussed in the XML comment following the body element. Or try collecting some information in markup that seems of interest about AJC’s life or writing. Work with elements and attributes to begin organizing and marking data of interest.

You do not need to completely encode the entire survey, but try to contribute significantly more than is already present in the document. Try adding a new question not represented here, or filling out and correcting something. You can mark off any new material you add with an XML comment, like I did here: <!-- ebb: Make a comment introduced with your name or initials to mark where you add new material to this file -->

Submitting your work

Be sure to give your file a name that meets our homework file submission rules. Zip the whole file directory and submit it in the appropriate place on Canvas for this TEI Exercise. Or you may simply submit the TEI XML file by itself.